Feeling blue? Nine out of ten doctors prescribe cat pictures, and the 10th doctor is a dog person.

2. Mystery solved!

3. The moment you realize why your human put you in the bathtub

4. When you don’t know anyone at the party

5. “Hold paws with me. Come on! Please?”

6. What a coinkidink!

7. Tolerance is not the same as acceptance.

8. No kill, only boop.

9. This rescued feral kitten just discovered belly rubs.

10. This is what friends do.

11. When you just need five more minutes

12. A cat is a cat, no matter where at.

13. “I meant to do that.”

14. When your eyeliner game is on point

15. Helpful cat is helpful.

16. When you wake up from a nap and can’t remember what decade it is

17. Finally, something we can all agree on!