Puppies are meant to be cute and adorable and we think that they couldn’t be any cuter. But look at them sleeping in shoes and get ready to be knocked out in their cuteness!
This cocker spaniel puppy is fast asleep inside his very own shoe, and he looks so adorable. This looks like the perfect place to take a nap. I hope his owner doesn’t need the shoe any time soon.
This puppy was WAY too tired to make it to his bed. He just plopped right down and let his head collapse on a shoe. Clearly this little guy needs more naps.
This puppy looks so comfortable sleeping in his shoe. It’s the perfect size for him! He has turned the tongue of the shoe into a blanket, and it couldn’t be more adorable.
This puppy thought a sandal would make the perfect spot for a nap. Good thing it isn’t a flip flop! The toe strap would be so uncomfortable pressed against his tiny face.
This puppy couldn’t decide which shoe to sleep on, so he took both of them. How cute! His owner will be in for a real surprise when he goes to take his morning run.
This puppy didn’t care that the shoes were occupied. He wanted a nap, so he took charge of the situation. Now the owner will be stuck in the same spot until the pup decides to wake up.
This pup has taken over his owner’s boots, and he doesn’t see the problem with it. It doesn’t look very comfortable, but who are we to judge? Maybe it’s the new sleeping trend.
There isn’t enough shoe to go around! This adorable pile of puppies are all clamoring for a single pair of shoes. I guess this is a good opportunity to learn how to share.
This little guy squished his way in between two shoes. Nothing is more important than finding the perfect sleep spot. Puppies need their beauty sleep too, you know.
Is it just me, or does this puppy look a little guilty as he nibbles on the shoe? He has turned this pair of tennis shoes into his couch AND his play things. Impressive.
This cutie has been hiding in the closet all along! I guess shoes make a pretty comfy place to lay. I wouldn’t think so, but why else would he lay there?
This pup has taken over all the shoes. Now he can have attention and prevent his owners from leaving him – all at the same time. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.
This little puppy thought if he laid on his owners shoes, there was no way he could get left behind. Plus, they make a great cushion from all the rocks. It’s a win-win.