True love does exist. From a pair of butterflies to a couple of gorgeous penguins, the animal kingdom gives us amazing examples of heartfelt, inseparable couples who show us that “happily ever after” is not just a fairytale. You just can’t deny the magic and power of love when you look at this.
Smalljoys has put together a compilation of stunning images which display love in its truest form. Scroll down at your own risk — they’re likely to melt your heart.
1. These adorable parrots look absolutely gorgeous together!

2. A sweet moment shared by a lynx couple…this will make anyone’s heart melt.
3. Nothing like an evening by the lake with the one you love…especially for a swan!
4. This lion couple shows us that love is about seeing a whole new world together, even with your eyes closed.
5. A loving snuggle is “owl” you need in life.
6. A butterfly couple sharing the sweet nectar of love.
7. A snow leopard’s version of “kiss and make up”
8. An earnest hug is the best way to say “I love you.”
9. Flamingos don’t need to struggle to prove their love — by just looking into each other’s eyes they create the shape of a “heart” between them!
10. A romantic kiss shared by a black-browed albatross couple
11. Having a shoulder to lean on…now that’s what love is all about.
12. When you’re in love, your world switches from black and white to a whirl of bright colors.
13. Love slows your world down, even for the world’s fastest runner — the cheetah.
14. These meerkats even know how to pose for a romantic picture together!
15. “Looking forward” to a lifetime together…now that’s true love.
16. If eyes are the windows to someone’s soul, we can see this elephant seal couple is deeply in love.
17. It’s a blessing to be so “deerly” loved by someone…
18. A whole new meaning for “childhood sweethearts”
19. Love makes your heart gallop toward an eternity of togetherness…
20. Now this is what you call a purr-fect couple.
21. Sometimes love bites.
22. There are no boundaries when it comes to cuddling.
23. There’s so much love and care in this pic that it simply melts our hearts.
24. “Woah! Our first kiss!”
25. Let’s dance!
26. Who doesn’t love to hug?
27. Whispering some cute little secrets
28. Caution! Seeing this pic may cause a strong desire to go back home to your loved one right now!
29. They’re so different, but it doesn’t matter.
30. Asking for a date
31. When you’re aware that you’re a charming couple:
32. This little couple is definitely having the sweetest dreams.
33. It looks like this gentleman is in a hurry for a date.
34. These birds could easily qualify for “The Most Beautiful Couple of the Year”.
35. Looks like a happy finale of their first date!
36. When there’s nothing better than spending time with your loved one:
37. All you need is love…and some sleep.
38. “Can I give you a kiss?”
39. It’s not possible to remain emotionless looking at these cuties!