We love dogs no matter what they do. But more the better, with just a little bit of training they can easily learn useful tasks that humans do with their smartness. You may not believe it but there are lists of dogs who works in their daily basis just like us. Way to be a perfect living creature!
I Took My Dog To The Vet Today And Met This Guy. The Sign Underneath Is The Best Part
This Best Boy Helping Children Testify
My Local Hardware Store Has A Dog That Follows You Around, And Takes Your Items To The Counter For You
Lifeguard Doggos In Croatia
My Buddy’s Dog Who Is Trained To Dig Up Sea Turtle Nests So They Can Be Safely Incubated And Set Free After The Hatch
Jax Is The Official Stamp Licker At The Post Office
We have a pug. And about a year after we got her my husband ended up in brain surgery from an accident. One night she woke me up by sitting my chest and putting her nose on mine, which she had never done before. Thinking she had to go out I got up, she wouldn’t leave the bed. 10 min later my husband starting having a seizure. She had NEVER BEEN TRAINED! And any night he would get ready to have one, she would do that same exact thing and I would know. She’s a good puggerella