Categories: EntertainmentFamilyNews

“My Mother-In-Law Demands I Pierce My Baby’s Ears Now & Calls Me A Monster For Waiting! Am I Doing Something Wrong?”

Being a parent for the first time is not only stressful but it also means saying hello to added pressure from in-laws.


One young mom has taken to her account on Reddit to shed light on how things are not quite going according to plan with her mother-in-law and how she’s feeling more pressure now that ever for certain things that she claims.

Source: Mirror

For instance, the mother in law is calling her out for not piercing her little daughter’s ears. She just feels so upset about the whole scenario and wants everyone to know that she loves her child so much. And as it is, being a mom in today’s time is stressful.


But when you’ve got unsupportive in-laws, things definitely don’t go as planned and you end up with a terribly stressful condition.

Source: Mirror

The mother says that she is waiting for her child to get older with time so she can make the decision to have her ears pierced or not. After all, it only makes sense but that news does not sit down well with others.


The mother-in-law says that she never waited this long and little babies look good wearing earrings. Therefore, it’s beyond shocking as to why her granddaughter would be deprived of this ritual of beautiful jewelry.

Source: Mirror

Now, seeing her mother-in-law refer to her as a monster is beyond heartbreaking. She claims that this behavior is uncalled for and it does not make sense as to why anyone would go to that extreme.


Moreover, she is now asking others about their thoughts on the matter.

Source: iStock

Other people were quick to chime in on the matter. They felt that the mother-in-law’s behavior was uncalled for. Every mom has the right to make personal choices about their kids without any interference. Do you agree?