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Bride GHOSTED By Her Texan Husband Just One Day After Her $50,000 Fairytale Wedding

Planning a wedding does not come cheap but one bride appeared to be lucky enough to have her parents fund the entire event.


But things did not seem to go as planned because the bride was reportedly ghosted by her own man, just one day after the fairytale and lavish event.

Source: Daily Mail

The distraught wife has now gone into detail about her story and how hard it was on some occasions for her to accept the unfortunate circumstances of her tragedy.


This was a man that she loved and was ready to spend the rest of her life with. But for him to ghost her after such a lavish event was the biggest wake-up call that anyone could ever receive.

Source: Supplied

Shocking images featuring her maxed-out credit cards were seen and she came back to an empty house with no sign of the man whom she called hers or thought was hers.


This was related to the fact that he was just not ready to take her on and she was baffled as to why. She went on to reveal another very interesting coincidence. And that had to do with how her husband’s Australian spouse visa was here.

Source: Supplied

Isabelle revealed how she met her man named Michael in the state of Texas in 2015 and since then, they’ve been going strong. He was going to be her husband and they waited so many years for this.


But ghosting her after the fairytale wedding of her dreams was bizarre and has now brought tears to this young woman’s life for obvious reasons.

Source: Supplied

There are so many questions that are yet to be answered and that entails why anyone would choose to do this, after waiting years for this big day.


The bride says it’s the worst feeling in the world as she can’t even contact him. Above all, 90% of his things had disappeared too.