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“My Neighbor DEMANDS I Build A Treehouse For Her Kids In My Garden Because It Would Ruin Hers! How Is That Fair?”

They say having the best neighbors is a blessing because that’s how hard they are to find.


This next story is about an entitled neighbor who says she will do anything and everything to protect her peace and landscaping. And if that means ruining other people’s property then so be it.

Source: Mirror

The entitled female neighbor had plenty of little children and she says that they’ve been on the lookout for getting a treehouse installed in their backyard.


She added how her husband agreed it was the best idea but when the experts were called in, they claimed that any construction of that kind would result in total disaster of the yard. And since she adores her garden so much and spends so much time personally curating it, she was not in the mood of having her hard work go to waste.

Source: Mirror

The man explained how the woman just marched into his home and started to bark orders at her because her kids needed some fun outdoor activity and she couldn’t stand them complaining anymore.


“I was never given a chance to speak. She kept on telling me why I was the one who needed to make the treehouse on the tree that was closest to her yard. I was enraged by her actions. Who does this woman think she is?”- he added.

Source: Pixabay

The man adds how the woman is known for being so unreasonable in all of her demands and people just find her a nuisance to the community.


Whenever she walks around the neighborhood, he says that people start to roll their eyes because that’s just how unreasonable she can be.

Source: RNZ

This time around, the man ended up being the target of her torment and he was so not ready to accept this huge demand of hers. Hence, he opted to ask her to leave politely because that was not going to be happening as long as he’s in this home.