Categories: Life

People Name The Expensive Things They Thought Were Cheap When They Were Kids

When you’re young and inexperienced, you generally have no idea how adult life works and just how much certain things can cost.


Almost nothing in life is free, and we all found this out the hard way as we grew up and left our parents’ nest. Hilariously, there are many expensive things out there that we thought were cheap, or even free, while growing up.


Can YOU name any of them? What thing did you think was cheap when you were a child only to find out the brutal truth when you became an adult?


Let us know in the COMMENTS section and don’t forget to share this post with your friends so that we can hear their stories and answers as well!


Meanwhile, take a look at some of the answers our readers entrusted us with.


“I used to think electricity was free, paid for by the government. As I grew older, I realized my parents were paying for it but I never felt just how expensive it was until I started paying my own bills,” someone said.

“My health… I didn’t think simply surviving could cost as much as a new house on the beach,” another explained.


One reader wrote: “Food and groceries in general. I always liked shopping with my mom but I had no idea what kind of impact the three-digit number on the bill had on our lives.”


A fourth follower recalled: “I remember once getting scolded for letting the water on in the kitchen. I didn’t understand because I took it for granted. But water bills can get pretty high too, I now know this.”


Can you relate to any of these answers? If not, let us know what YOU thought was cheap or free when you were a child!