Categories: Life

People Explain Which FOODS Taste Even Better The Next Day And Why!

Usually, nothing tastes better than freshly cooked food that’s placed on your plate straight from the pan – but that’s not always the case.


As you probably know, some dishes may taste even better the next day after they are given some time to stand, allowing the flavors to mix well.

Source – Pixabay

If you agree with this, let us know which foods you think taste even better the next day and why. We’re sure you can think of at least two or three! Drop your answers in the COMMENTS section and share this post with your friends and family so that they can think about it too.


Now that we’ve got your mind thinking about delicious foods, it’s time we see what our viewers think about this topic!

Source – Pixabay

Here are some of the foods that people can’t resist on the second day:

  1. Stews and Soups

“Sometimes I cook our fav veggie stew one day in advance just because it tastes so much better the next day. The flavors get all mixed up and it tastes much better than freshly made,” one person told us.

  1. Spaghetti Sauce

“Spaghetti sauce! I put in the fridge after it cools down and I simply reheat it the next day. The flavors are more powerful the next day,” one self-proclaimed chef said.

Source – Pixabay
  1. Chicken & Beef Pies
  2. Curries
  3. Vegetable Risotto
  4. Baked Desserts

“I never eat desserts that come straight from the oven you gotta give em some time to settle. Usually we just wait until the next day til we dig in,” one follower explained.

  1. Casseroles
  2. Baked Beans
Source – Pixabay

What are your thoughts on this list? Do you agree with everything or is there something you’d like to add right now?


Let us know in the comments which food you think tastes the BEST when reheated the next day!